RokuGuide is now providing reviews of so-called "private" channels. For those of you who aren't familiar with private channels, these are like any other Roku channel, except they aren't available through the channel store. They may be intended for a limited audience, they may be beta channels not ready for general release, or there may be another reason why a developer has decided not to list the channel in the Roku channel store.
RokuGuide has previously focused only on public channels, those found in the channel store. But starting today you will now find a limited but expanding selection of private channels. I will be listing only those channels that I have reviewed and that I find to have content of a unique or interesting nature, or to be of potential widespread interest. You can find the list of private channels here, or by clicking on Private Channels in the main menu across the top of this page.
To add a private channel, just click on the "Add Channel" button on each private channel page. This will take you to Roku's website the needed channel code will already be filled in on Roku's Add Channel page. You will need to be logged into your Roku account - if you aren't, you will be prompted to sign in before being taken to the appropriate page.
Private channels are "unofficial". They have not been reviewed or approved by Roku, so don't expect to get any support from Roku. However, you'll find a lot of unique, useful, and interesting content when you venture beyond the channel store. For more information on private channels, you can read Roku's blog entry on this subject here. To find private channels not listed on RokuGuide, I recommend CatastropheGirl's Roku Channel List, which lists more private channels than I can ever hope to review.
To get started with private channels, click here for my initial list of recommended private Roku channels.