Quick Look: Animation Shorts currently has over a dozen 2D and 3D CGI animated short films from a variety of YouTube producers, including CGMeetup and ESMA Movies. Titles include "Cupidon," a story of Cupid who shoots his arrow and then the unexpected happens; "Night Light Monster," where a little girl's imagination runs wild in her room; and "Tea Time," about a grandmother who replaces her old companion robot with a newer model, but things don't go exactly as planned. The Roku Channel Store description promises the addition of more films every week.
The films we previewed were all high quality and quite entertaining. Video lengths are generally in the range of 5 to 10 minutes, long enough to tell a good story rather than just show off animation skills. One of the videos available on this channel can be seen below.
-- Information is current as of February 12, 2019
Roku Channel Store Description: The Animation Shorts channel is a family friendly program with new shows added each week depicting heart warming, adventurous, funny and more 3D and 2D animated shorts. Add show now if you love short films, and join the fun.
FEES: None