Quick Look: ARROW is a subscription-based channel with a variety of past and modern-day cult classics. Videos categories include:
- Tooled Up
- Midnight Movies
- New Cult
- The Shocktober 31
- Edgar Wright Series
- The Herschell Gordon Lewis Feast
- Slashers
- Haunted
- Arrow Stories
- Arrow Trailers (FREE)
- Gamera; The Complete Collection
Titles include The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), Children of the Corn (1984), HellRaiser (1987), The Gore Gore Girls (1972), and Beyond the Door (1974).
You can browse the entire collection of content without subscribing, and clicking on any title will provide a brief synopsis of the film including primary cast members. There is a category of movie trailers that you can watch without a subscription.
-- Information is current as of October 8, 2020
Developer's Channel Description: Watch the best cult movies from across the globe - Pick from a wide variety of Horror, Comedy, Westerns, Sci-fi, Action and that's just to start! We have something for everyone.
FEES: $4.99/month or $49.99/year with a 30-day free trial