Quick Look: Cat Box TV is a single livestream broadcast of home videos of cats, pets, and wildlife. Unlike DOGTV Channel, which claims to be scientifically developed to help "stimulate, entertain, relax and habituate
dogs," Cat Box TV is a random collection of videos and makes no scientific claims.
I don't have cats and I don't know if cats watch TV, but cat lovers may enjoy this channel. During the period that I sampled the channel, most of the content consisted of short videos of cats playing or just hanging out. There also videos of an aquarium, insects, birds, and a pinwheel. If you think your cat deserves to be featured in a video on this channel, you can submit your videos to the channel's Facebook page.
Cats and cat lovers looking for more cat-related content on Roku should also visit Cute Captions, a Roku screensaver featuring captioned cat photos.
-- Information is current as of August 23, 2012
Developer's Channel Description: Cat Box TV is TV for cats or anyone that loves cats. When your cat is home alone, this channel will keep him or her company with fish, birds, other cats and wildlife. Your monthly subscription allows us to help pet food pantries and rescues.
FEES: $0.99 per month subscription; subscribe through the Roku Channel Store
Cat Box TV on Facebook