Quick Look: Move along folk, nothing to see here. Another channel that should have remained a private Roku channel has found its way into the Roku channel store. The entire channel consists of "Test Videos" that are mostly random music videos. The "Live" category states that no live events are scheduled, and the two categories of videos on demand contain several miscellaneous music videos that are all titled "Test Video." The Lucky Diner Bingo website promises "bingo, slots, casino and more" starting June 2016, so perhaps the channel owners just jumped the gun by launching this channel.
-- Information is current as of June 17, 2016
Developer's Channel Description: Luckydinerbingo.com offers UK viewers the chance to win on games a bingo, slot machines and casino as well as interactive fun with live chat, presenters and some great tunes.
DEVELOPER: Lightcast.com
FEES: None
Lucky Diner Bingo TV Website
Lucky Diner Bingo on Facebook