Our Miss Brooks

Quick Look: Our Miss Brooks was a family sitcom that first aired in 1952, ending 4 seasons later in 1956. The show starred Eve Arden (Connie Brooks), Gale Gordon (Osgood Conklin), and Jane Morgan (Margaret Davis) in a story about an English teacher at Madison High who struggled to make ends meet while trying to catch the eye of fellow teacher Phillip Boynton and avoiding any more conflicts with the humorless principal Osgood Conklin.

This Roku channel contains 58 of the 130 episodes that were produced. Below is one of the episodes available on this channel.

-- Information is current as of June 27, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Miss Brooks teaches English at Madison High, rents a room from Mrs. Davis, gets rides to school with student Walter, fights with Principal Conklin, and tries to snag shy biology teacher Boynton. In the last year she switches to Mrs. Nestor's private school. Stars: Eve Arden, Gale Gordon, Jane Morgan. IMDb 8.2

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DEVELOPER: TV Time Media - Total Stream Media

FEES: None

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