Quick Look: RingScoops.com is hosted by Wade Needham and covers the world of professional wrestling inside and out. The channel provides archived material from the Ringscoops vault, as well as new/updated material pertaining to the world of professional wrestling.
In addition to a Welcome Center that offers a promo video and information on the latest channel updates, you'll find the following video categories:
- Rage TV - Viewer editorial, viewer mailbag, Top 10 countdowns, and interviews
- Slam n Jam - Video game play of wrestling matches
- Special Events - eTailgate, press conferences, and more
- World Wrestling Radio - A weekly podcast of world wrestling events
- Messing with Sin Cara - Video shorts of assorted people messing with a an alleged disabled luchadore
Weekend News is advertised as coming on May 24, featuring Pro Wrestling's top headlines in under 2 minutes
-- Information is current as of May 14, 2014
Developer's Channel Description: The official Roku Channel of RingScoops.com! Pro wrestling entertainment, news and media!
DEVELOPER: RingScoops.com
FEES: None
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