The Weather Network

Quick Look: The Weather Network on Roku provides current weather conditions, forecasts, and maps along with a limited amount of video on demand. The app doesn't launch on the Weather page; instead, you start on the Videos page, which includes video on demand in several categories such as Storm Hunters, Captured, Force of Nature, and This Day in Weather History. However, at the top of the screen you'll find the current temperature, "feels like" temperature index, and sky cover for the location where your Roku device reports you are at (most likely based on the IP address of your Internet connection). You can search for and save other locations by selecting the "+" symbol next to the city name, then switch between saved locations by selecting the city name.

For more detailed weather information and forecasts, scroll left on the home screen to open a menu on the left side of the screen. Select "Weather" and you'll find graphical 36-hour, hourly, and 14-day forecasts, along with current precipitation potential (POP) and wind speeds. For weather maps, you'll need to return to the left-side menu and select "Maps", but The Weather Network on Roku unfortunately provides only radar and traffic maps.

Another option in The Weather Network's Roku menu is "Photos," which lets you select user-submitted photos. Select a photo and you'll get a full-screen slideshow of the photos in the category you're viewing. The final option in the menu is "Settings" where you switch between metric and Imperial measurement for temperature, wind, and precipation.

For more information on Roku weather channels, please see our article "The Best Weather Channels on Roku."

-- Information is current as of October 20, 2021

Developer's Channel Description: The Weather Network, your weather when it really matters. Scroll through local forecasts to view conditions for the next 14 days. Stay informed with active weather alerts. Immerse yourself in Live TV to view your forecast or amazing video showcasing weather from around the world.

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DEVELOPER: The Weather Network

FEES: None

The Weather Network on Roku
The Weather Network on Roku
The Weather Network on Roku
The Weather Network on Roku
The Weather Network on Roku
The Weather Network on Roku
The Weather Network on Roku

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