
Private Channel Notice!

Roku has removed all private (non-certified) channels from Roku devices and this channel is no longer available. See this article for more information.

Skip or mute things you don't want to see or hear in movies and TV shows, including your Netflix and Amazon Prime Video accounts ($)

Add Channel - VidAngel

RokuGuide Channel Description: VidAngel is a streaming service that lets your family watch popular mainstream movies and series without being exposed to language or images that you find undesirable. Rather than limiting yourself to "family-friendly" fare, you can watch the same titles as everyone else, while VidAngel filters out content based on criteria that you set.

A VidAngel subscription gives you access to Angel Studios original productions, like Dry Bar Comedy, billed as "the worlds largest library of clean comedy," and films from VidAngel Studios that include The Chosen (2017), a TV series about the life of Christ through the eyes of those who encountered him; Tim Timmerman: Hope of America (2017), a rom-com about an irresponsible student body president who faces impeachment as he attempts to sweet-talk his way into Yale; and Life on Bitcoin (2014), a documentary about a newly married couple trying to survive when every living necessity can only be purchased with cryptocurrency. The most intriguing aspect about VidAngel, though, is that it allows subscribers to filter videos and series available through their own Netflix and Amazon accounts, including HBO, Showtime, STARZ, and Paramount+ when subscribed through Amazon Prime Video Channels.

VidAngel has five filter categories: Language, Sex/Nudity/Modesty, Violence/Blood/Gore, Alcohol or Drug Abuse, and Other Elements. Each filter has several subfilters - for example, language has six subfilters that include profanity, blasphemy, and racial/bigoted slurs. Within those subfilters, you can choose from a list of common words that you do not want to hear. The sex/nudity/modesty filter has four subfilters: Sex, nudity, immodesty, and kissing. Subfilter options vary, but Nudity without Sex, as another example, lets you filter out male, female, or both male and female nudity.

Be aware that not all videos available in your Netflix or Amazon account. VidAngel states that "at this time, we cannot stream works owned by Disney, Lucasfilm, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, MVL Film Financing LLC, New Line Productions, Inc., and Turner Entertainment Co, or their subsidiaries."

How to use VidAngel on Roku

Create a VidAngel account here using your email address or by signing in with your Google or Facebook account.

VidAngel is no longer available in the Roku channel store, but there are two options for streaming VidAngel to your Roku. You can cast from your VidAngel mobile app to your Roku device following the instructions at this link, or you can add VidAngle to your Roku as a private (non-certified) channel. To add VidAngel to your Roku, go to and log into your Roku account if prompted to do so. You will see a warning that you are accessing a non-certified channel that has not been reviewed by Roku; click the OK button to proceed, then click the "add channel" button. VidAngel should appear as the last channel on your Roku's home screen. For more information, see our article Private and Non-Certified Roku Channels - What They Are & How to Add Them.

Launch VidAngel on your Roku and follow the instructions to link your VidAngel account to your Roku by visiting in your browser and entering the code shown on the Roku screen.

After linking your account to your Roku device, you will need to set up filters using a web browser on your computer or mobile device - information on how to do this can be found here. Next, you will need to connect your Netflix or Amazon Prime streaming accounts if you want to use VidAngel to filter videos in either of those services. When logged into VidAngel in a web browser, click on your name in the top menu bar, select "Manage Services", then select the service(s) you want to filter through VidAngel.

More information on using VidAngel on Roku can be found on this VidAngel support page or by watching the video below.

FEES: $9.99/month - subscribe here

Information is current as of April 27, 2021 may receive a referral fee for any purchases or subscriptions made through links on this page. See our full FTC Disclosure Statement for more information.

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