Labrecque Art and Film

Labrecque Art and Film Quick Look: Labrecque Art and Film offers two of the newest films from Brian Labrecque, a self-described avant-garde filmmaker. His mission in his filmmaking is to give you a head-ache, confuse you, and make it difficult to sit through difficult to understand productions. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

There are two videos available on this channel. "Your Words are like Swords" is metaphysical/new-age/sci-fi/spoken word cinema for your mind. "Tachyonic Anti-Telephone" is a mind-bending telephone call from a person living in eternity, speaking in the 3rd person, but from the 4th dimension. Here is more information on each film:

  • Your Words are Like Swords (2012) - "Enter the world of the Garden Nymph, the Blazing Star Faery, the Inner Eye Spy, the Blue Collar Buddha, God, and the Questioner. Visit the places they call home, dream with them, and listen for the roadway symphony in your mind. A Metaphysical New Age Sci-Fi Spoken Word Journey." (1:02)
  • Tachyonic Anti-Telephone (2014) - "Imagine making a simple phone call. Now imagine that the distances between you are so vast, that even the speed of light is not fast enough to get the signals through, so you have to use tachyons, which travel faster than light. Imagine how messages and voices and words can get confused when making a phone call from one galaxy to another, through another dimension, and past fractured time." (0:41)

For more films by Labrecque, check out the Depressing Prospects Films Roku channel.

-- Information is current as of April 18, 2014

Developer's Channel Description: Esoteric, confusing, astounding movies from the depths of indie film hell

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DEVELOPER: Labrecque Art and Film

FEES: None

Labrecque Art and Film Website