Ad-Free Crime and Punishment

Ad-Free Crime and PunishmentQuick Look: Ad-Free Spud's Crime and Punishment provides a single livestream of public domain suspense and mystery movies as well as television series from the 1950's and earlier. Titles include Sherlock Holmes (The case of the Deadly Prophecy), The Racquet Squad (The Soft Touch), Mr. & Mrs. North, and Dragnet (The Big Hands). To search for additional titles you simply use the FF/REW buttons on your remote to jump back or ahead.

With this version of the channel there are no commercial interruptions; of course this comes with a monthly subscription of $0.99. For a free version of this channel, visit the ad-supported Spud's Crime and Punishment channel.

-- Information is current as of August 12, 2014

Developer's Channel Description: Ad-free version of Spud's Crime and Punishment channel. Presented in a continuous live-TV format, C&P showcases the best in timeless law enforcement classics.

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DEVELOPER: Timeless Television

FEES: Monthly Subscription of $0.99