About RokuGuide.com

RokuGuide.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with Roku, LLC, or any Roku content providers. I launched RokuGuide.com in 2010 after hooking up my first Roku digital video player and becoming immediately overwhelmed with all of the channels and content that was available. Quickly tiring of loading channels, browsing through them, then deleting the ones that didn't interest me, I looked to the Web for help in finding channels and videos that did. I didn't find any comprehensive listings of channels that included full details or recommendations, so I put my freelance writing and Internet development experience to use and created RokuGuide.

Through this website I hope to help you get the most out of your Roku by giving you complete information on Roku channels, games, and apps; by providing honest and impartial reviews and recommendations; and by highlighting high-quality content that you might otherwise overlook due to the sheer volume that's available on Roku.

Unless otherwise noted, all opinions expressed on this website are my own, and all content is copyrighted and not to be reused without express written permission. I welcome suggestions and feedback about this website, and I like to hear your own recommendations. I can be reached by e-mail through the contact page or by e-mail at trothatl at rokuguide.com.

Thank you for visiting,
Thomas M. Roth
Publisher, RokuGuide.com

You are encouraged to contact me if you have content of special value or interest to Roku users. I will be happy to review your video series, channels, apps, games, etc. as time permits. I will also strive to update channel details when a channel has been updated. The inclusion of editorial content on this website is at my sole discretion, but I can't write about it if I don't know about it, so please contact me using the contact form or at trothatl at rokuguide.com.

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