Quick Look: AAPV is a children's educational channel that uses a mix of traditional animation and Roblox-style animation to create its characters in the Cube Builder series. The characters "Bobby the Hammer," "Dickie the Drill,", Jennie the Saw," "Dirk the Screwdriver," and "Vincenzo the Wrench" teach children basic counting skills, colors, shapes, vehicles and animals.
Below is an example of the type of videos available on this channel. Additional content is available on the AAPV YouTube channel.
-- Information is current as of May 16, 2019
Roku Channel Store Description: Simple Vids for really little kids and Educational Vids for those slightly more advanced. Learning about stuff, Learning some English, Songs, Hypnotizing vids for smallest and vids for babies... We are three 3d Artists from Czech Republic and Poland + one DJ from CZ, making these in spare time. We started making them for our kids and they are outgrowing our vids faster than we can continue making them.
One of our popular segments - “Cube Builder” is a series of cartoon videos are dedicated to stimulating learning children´s creative imagination and be relaxing and simple at the same time with original music for children and absolutely nonviolent with lots of nice and bright colors. It is something like building out of Lego or Minecraft blocks only with help of some 3d Animation magic. Enjoy this simple animated cartoon for kids and toddlers with some fun imaginative concepts learning! Narrated Cube Builder videos can be also used a basic English vocabulary lessons for learning some basic English words.
FEES: None