Quick Look: Aliento Vision is a Hispanic broadcast that offers a live stream of Christian programming and Christian music. The following description was taken from their website: "ALIENTO VISION es el canal hispano especializado en transmitir aliento, fe y esperanza a las personas y familias de manera atractiva, practica y creativa. Nuestros televidentes encontraran un mensaje cristiano con palabras de motivación, actualidad, noticias y orientación con respecto al presente y al futuro." (Aliento Vision is the Hispanic channel specializing in transmitting breath, faith and hope to individuals and families in an attractive, practical and creative way. Our viewers will find a Christian message with motivational words, news and guidance regarding the present and the future.)
-- Information is current as of April 4, 2017
Developer's Channel Description: Welcome to the official app of Aliento Visión. Explore the variety of our content. For more information about our ministriy visit us on our website at www.alientovision.com.
DEVELOPER: Lightcast.com
FEES: None
Aliento Vision Website
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Aliento Vision on YouTube