AMFN is Animation Music Film Network. this streaming video service focuses on three types of content:

  • Films - Newer titles include National Treasure, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Jurassic World Dominion, and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, with older titles such as ET, National Lampoon's Vacation, The Breakfast Club, and Dumb and Dumber.
  • Animation - 22 animated movies currently available, including hits like Shrek, Finding Nemo, Avatar, and Minions.
  • Music: Live Shows & Documentaries - 13 series and concerts from artists that include Creed, Kenny Chesney, Nickelback, Garth Brooks, Jason Aldean, and Lynard Skynard.
  • As the name implies,

The service also includes TV shows, with some popular series like Friends and The Big Bang Theory, but you'll find only a limited number of episodes - these two series, for example have only one and two seasons, respectively.

All content is locked, even the classic Gunsmoke episodes, but you can browse the video library before subscribing.

-- Information is current as of September 9, 2022

Developer's Channel Description: Animation Music Film Network brings you the best of animated movies, music videos, behind the music, blockbuster films, live action streaming, popular television shows, classic movies, sports and more.

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DEVELOPER: Animation Music Film Network, LLC

FEES: $4.99/month with a 7-day free trial when purchasing in-channel; $5.99/month or $59.99/year with a 14-day free trial through the AMFN website


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