Quick Look: Baby Einstein is an entertaining and educational channel for children with videos about languages, arts, wild animals, lullabies, nursery rhymes, animated lessons on numbers, letters, manners and more. All of the videos feature a variety of animated animals giving lessons on many different subject matters, which include:
- Animal Favorites - 7 videos
- Art, Shapes and Numbers - 4 videos
- Baby's First - 4 videos
- Music - 6 videos
- Language - 5 videos
- Science and Nature - 4 videos
- World Exploration - 4 videos
Most videos range in duration from 20 to 30 minutes each and feature lessons about shapes, colors, music, words and animals plus more advanced concepts such as sign language, musical rhythms and the solar system. Each video is preceded by a short commercial for Baby Einstein.
One of the many videos currently available on this channel is shown below.
-- Information is current as of July 31, 2020
Roku Channel Store Description: Born from the belief that the future belongs to the curious, Baby Einstein helps parents cultivate curiosity — within their children and themselves — through experiences of shared discovery and creativity. Why? Because curiosity motivates us to learn and adapt. It compels us to be open to possibility and confident in our skills. Curiosity is essential for succeeding in our ever-changing world and creating a better one.
With the Baby Einstein Roku Channel, your baby’s view of the world will expand as they are introduced to languages, explore the arts and join wild animals on global adventures. Lullabies and nursery rhymes will inspire creativity and nurture music appreciation. Animated lessons on numbers, letters and manners will make education look more like entertainment. As you watch along, don’t be surprised if the spark of curiosity is reignited within yourself, too.
Curious for more? Add the Baby Einstein Roku Channel to your library today to keep up with our latest discoveries, explorations and creations.
DEVELOPER: Giant Interactive LLC
FEES: None