Bob Cummings on Air

Quick Look: Bob Cummings on Air contains 19 random episodes from "The Bob Cummings Show," a TV sitcom that aired from 1955 to 1959. The show starred Robert Cummings who played playboy photographer Bob Collins and his nosy match-making sister Charmaine "Schultzy" Shultz, played by Ann B. Davis (aka Alice from the Brady Bunch), who was always trying to get him to settle down with a nice woman.

Each episode is 30 minutes long, one of which can be seen below.

-- Information is current as of February 14, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: The Bob Cummings Show is a long-running sitcom, which gained the most popularity in the 1960s. A total of 161 episodes narrate a story of Bob Collins, who happens to be a highly-demanded Hollywood photographer and a well-known heartthrob. Bob never misses an opportunity to dally with his models, so his sister Margaret is always trying to make him settle down. Do you want to find out if she succeeds or not? Then go to our online channel straight away!

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