What's Neat- Model Railroading

Quick Look: What's Neat- Model Railroading carries a dozen episodes of the videos series "What's Neat in model railroading" from Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine columnist Ken Patterson. Just a few of the topics covered in these videos are building turnouts, building a concrete road step-by-step, modeling a snow scene, garden railroad management, foam module construction, and a lot more tips.

These tips from 2016 should still be relevant today, but this YouTube series is still in production and you can see the January 2019 episode below. The Roku Channel Store description promises episodes from 2017 and 2018 will be added at a later date, but for now you can find them on the Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine YouTube channel.

-- Information is current as of January 30, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: FREE, ALL AGES: Model Railroad Hobbyist Magazine (MRH) Columnist Ken Patterson's "What's Neat in Model Railroading" Column for 2016 (2017, and 2018 will be added later). Ken gives many useful tips in, what is now, 36 Companion Videos previously published by Model Railroad Hobbyist Magazine.

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