Captain Marvels Adventures

Quick Look: Captain Marvels Adventures provides all 12 chapters of the 1941 black-and-white Republic Pictures film serial "Adventures of Captain Marvel." In the serial, Captain Marvel fights a masked criminal mastermind called the Scorpion, who is determined to gain control of an ancient weapon. It is made in the form of a large metallic scorpion with adjustable legs, tail, and removable lenses that must be properly aligned in order to activate its powerful ray.[1]

The official 1949 theatrical trailer for Adventures of Captain Marvel can be seen below.

-- Information is current as of December 12, 2018

Roku Channel Store Description: The Adventures of Captain Marvel started back in 1941. The story tells about the group of archeologists which came to make a great discovery and to find an ancient artifact inside of the hidden tomb. This Golden Scorpion has a great power so it's incredibly important it to be owned by an honest and devoted person who will protect it from malicious intentions.

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