Quick Look: Cariflix offers a collection of free and premium streaming TV channels from Curacao, including the following:
Free Channels
- 12 News Channels
- 1 radio station
- 6 Network channels
- - CBA TelevisionKanal 11
- - Nos Pais TV
- - House of Worship TV
- - Tele Curacao
- - Hot Mix Music
- - TCFM
Premium Channels
- Djis Un Tiki Love (Movie)
- Cariflix Originals
- Comedy
Cariflix requires viewers to login in with their existing credentials or create and account on their website (link provided below). You must login with your new account information on the channel, and then exit the channel and relaunch it to activate the content.
The "premium" content was available for free on the Roku channel, while the Cariflix website lists premium content at $9.99 per month, but with more content than currently available on Roku.
-- Information is current as of December 5, 2017
Developer's Channel Description: Cariflix delivers television programming via streaming and originally produced content available Live and on-demand. Cariflix is the first true Internet-delivered alternative to traditional cable and satellite TV in Curacao. Cariflix is available anywhere and on any device with a stable broadband Internet connection.
DEVELOPER: Streann Media
FEES: None
Cariflix Website