Christ Family TV Network

Christ Family TV NetworkQuick Look: This channel appears to be under reconstruction. There is no viewable content and there is a message that reads:"We are sorry, our content is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact us at and revisit our channel soon."

This appears to be another channel that has been launched before the developer had any content to broadcast. The Christ Family TV Network Roku channel doesn't have any videos from the Christ Family TV Network (CFTV) along with ; click on that selection in the channel's menu and you'll find a statement that there are no videos available at this time. Try instead the Birthing the Kingdom selection and you'll find a promo video for CFTV and a few other videos on miscellaneous topics. There is also a CFTVN Preview category that has essentially the same content.

-- Information is current as of March 7, 2014

Developer's Channel Description: CFTV Network is committed to providing the best in Christian Faith Based programming; with a focus on strengthening family,community and the world

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