Christmas Movies by Fawesome

Christmas Movies by Fawesome has a large library of holiday films, videos, and television specials in the following categories plus several more:

Also available are numerous YouTube videos in the categories of Christmas Desserts, Festive Christmas DIYs, and Just for Laughs.

-- Information is current as of December 8, 2022

CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: It's the time to be merry with family and friends and we are your one stop to help you do that and more - a great selection of family-friendly Christmas movies, some ideas to spruce up your decor, a hand with Christmas staple recipes and some great shopping tips!

Watch classics like A Christmas Story It's a Wonderful Life, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation or new age rom-coms like Merry Kissmas, Married By Christmas and more!

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DEVELOPER: Future Today Inc.

FEES: None

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