ChristmasFlix offers a small selection of holiday fare in the following categories
- Kids - Seven videos that are mostly vintage animations such as Big Man from the North, Jack Frost, and Toys Will Be Toys.
- TV Shows - Seven TV shows that include Christmas Inside the White House (2017) and two seasons of Christmas at Home with Jessica D'Ambra.
- Movies - Twelve vintage movies, including The Miracle on 34th Street (1955), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), and two versions of a classic story - A Christmas Carol (1910) and Scrooge (1935).
Looking for more holiday entertainment? Click here for a list of all Roku Christmas channels.
-- Information is current as of March 11, 2022
Developer's Channel Description: ChristmasFlix brings you the most wonderful time of the year, 365 days a year! Join us for original programming, classic movies and TV, inspirational stories, food and entertaining, and instructional programming all in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ.
DEVELOPER: ChristmasFlix, LLC
FEES: None