Quick Look: Cooking Healthy provides a moderate-size collection of healthy eating and cooking videos, with content in the following categories:
- Health Diets
- How to Eat and Be Healthy
- Healthy Recipes for Kids
- Healthy Dinner Recipes
- Diets and Detox
- Keto Recipes
You won't find much depth to this library - Keto Recipes, for example, has only one video. The videos that are available include discussions of the benefits of juicing (no, not steroid abuse), making smoothies, diets, and the importance of vegetables in a balanced diet. Along with these topics you will find a small collection of instructional videos demonstrating proper preparation and cooking instructions for health meals like the one found below.
-- Information is current as of January 24, 2019
Roku Channel Store Description: Cooking Healthy Free Video Courses and Recipes. Feel free to browse around and - Learn in your own time. We publish new episodes every day so feel free to come back tomorrow, or the day after, whenever you have time or want to learn some more, and HAVE FUN!
DEVELOPER: FosMarketing
FEES: None