
DefenseTV Quick Look: Defense TV is a collection of a seemingly endless amount of information about the military. A majority of the videos are a "behind the scenes" look into the lives of military personnel, and less about major news stories.

There is a "Live" category that covers a series of press conferences from the US State Department. The broadcasts are on demand with a list of scheduled events. You can listen to past broadcasts from that day if you happen to miss the original broadcast.

The second category is "NewsStream" which consists of a series of short videos from around the world. There are interviews with current military personal, footage of search and rescue missions and military training videos. This category is separated into 8 separate subcategories, each having 15-20 videos available. The Subcategories include: Featured, Science & Technology, Sports, Entertainment, Health, Family, Missions, and In Focus.

The next category is "Shows", which is a collection of military based programming found on the DOD News Channel (formally called "The Pentagon Channel"). Here you will find past episodes of the shows
In the Fight, The American Veteran, Recon, Battleground, Fit for Duty, Armed Force Boxing, and Grill Sergeants.

Military Spotlight is the final category. This is a series of on demand video from around the world. Here you will find all branches of the military represented including the Army Reserve and National Guard. There are over 15 subcategories to choose from, each of these having a multitude of videos to watch.

There is also a Search option available if you are looking for something specific, with new content being added on a daily basis.

-- Information is current as of August 19, 2014

Developer's Channel Description: DefenseTV is the first official US Military channel to bring untold stories from the field to your TV. Watch shows and news stories straight from our service men and women and catch live events as they unfold around the world. Content added daily.

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