Quick Look: ExoticCar PlayPlace provides information "on everything about premium, luxury, and exotic cars. From issues, ownership, and how to pick the best car for you." Video categories include Tips for Car Buyers, Avoid These Cars, and Best Cars to Buy. Videos are generally between 10 and 20 minutes in length and include titles such as "6 Things Hyundai Does Not Want You To Know," "5 Money Pit SUVs That People Regret Buying," and "5 Cheap and Reliable Cars You Should Buy."
An example of the videos available on ExoticCar PlayPlace can be streamed below.
-- Information is current as of March 25, 2022
Developer's Channel Description: The gold standard in helping educate you on everything about premium, luxury, and exotic cars. From issues, ownership, and how to pick the best car for you. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE and help me to 500,000 SUBS as my ownership, buying, selling and experiences with 100’s of cars in my life will prove to be life changing!
Please note that all ECPP comments and content are based on my experiences.
FEES: None