Faith Alive Ted Shuttlesworth features sermons from Evangelist Ted Shuttlesworth. The channel includes the following content:
- Soul-Winning Edition - Episodes of Shuttlesworth's 12-minute podcast; recent topics include What Jesus Said and What The Devil Decided, Reaching the Unreached, and The Gospel with Signs and Wonders
- Live Crusades - Three nights from the West Palms Beach Healing Crusade
- Miracle Minute - Videos include Back and Shoulders Healed, Pain from Cancer and Stroke Gone, and Back & Ears Healed
Videos are free, but are locked until you provide an email address and create a password to log into the channel.
A video from the Ted Shuttlesworth - Faith Alive YouTube channel can be seen below.
-- Information is current as of May 5, 2023
CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: Since that early beginning, the Ministry has rapidly grown as a force for evangelism; because of the anointing of God's Spirit and the faithfulness of our Covenant Partners. I know that in the days ahead, the Ministry must go after the SOULS of men and women like never before. We are believing the Lord for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit this year. Our meetings each month are called "Faith Holy Spirit & Healing Crusades." We are believing for God to show up in a great way.
DEVELOPER: Ted Shuttlesworth - Faith Alive
FEES: None