FreeFlix Family is a streaming service with a library of family-friendly films and series. Despite the use of "free" in the app's name, you must subscribe for $20/year to stream any content (although you can browse for free). Recently-added titles include Mayberry Man, (2021), where an arrogant movie star is busted for speeding in a small southern town and sentenced to attend a weeklong festival celebrating The Andy Griffith Show; An Interview With God (2018), a mystery/drama about a renowned Christian Journalist in a life crisis who finds his world becoming increasingly challenged when he's granted the interview of a lifetime – with someone who claims to be God' and Not Broken, in which despair sets in for a young girl who is profoundly dyslexic and equally artistic as she finds herself defined not by her talents but by her disabilities.
-- Information is current as of March 22, 2024
CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: FreeFlix Family is a great place where you can enjoy a wide variety of family friendly entertainment. All commercial free! New content added weekly!
DEVELOPER: Mississippi Coast Project Media, LLC
FEES: $19.99/year