Quick Look: Gravitas Movies contains a collection of independent films in a wide array of categories, including the following:
- Hollywood Stars
- Top Docs
- Explore the Arts- Free with Ads
- Full Tomato
- Fest Favorites
- Healthy Living- Free with Ads
- Health and Wellness
- Stay Current- Free with Ads
- Romantic Comedy
- The Digital Age
- Sports and Fitness
- Science Fiction
- Leading ladies
- Kids & Family
- Holiday
- True Crime
- Conspiracy
- Coming of Age
- Music & Modern Art
- International & Travel
- Historical Documentaries
- Politics and News
- Comedy
- Biographical Documentaries
- Action
- Social Issues Documentaries
- Drama
- Adventure
- Mystery
- Paranormal
- Horror
- Aliens & Outerspace
The channel is offers 2 viewing options, ad-sponsored (free) or ad-free (subscription based), but not all titles are available under the free ad-sponsored option.
Every film sampled provided a brief synopsis, cast and director information as well as a movie trailer regardless of the subscription status of that title. All of the trailers and titles are free to view.
-- Information is current as of January 2, 2022
Developer's Channel Description: Indulge in our vast catalog of independent films and award winning documentaries. Explore A-list dramas, satisfy your funny-bone, or discover other worlds all at once!
DEVELOPER: Gravitas Ventures
FEES: Free ad-sponsored films available; ad-free viewing for $4.99/month or $39.99/year with a 7-day free trial