The Hockey Drills and Tips channel offers a wide selection of instructional videos designed to improve your children's hockey skills and make them a well rounded player. The videos fall into several categories, with the Drills & Tips library being free:
- Hockey Equipment-choosing the proper Stick, Helmet, Pads, and Skates
- Basic Hockey Skills-Passing/Receiving/Controlling the puck
- Hockey Skating-Skating Backwards, Stopping, Crossover Step, Changing Direction
- Hockey Stick handling-Poke Check, Basic Stick handling Drills, How to Hold a Stick
- Hockey Shooting Tips-Wrist Shot, Slap Shot, Backhands, Deflections
- Hockey Passing-basic passing drills
- Hockey Tactics-Faceoffs, Breakouts
- Hockey Goalie-Butterfly Technique, Cutting down the angle, Freezing the puck
- Coaching Youth Hockey Tips-how to run an effective practice, Having fun with young kids
The Coaching youth Hockey Series tab has only one sample video available. If you follow this link you can register for a free 3-day trial to examine the additional available content. There is a monthly subscription price of $9.95 if you register on the website, however the content on the Roku channel is free.
-- Information is current as of October 28, 2014
Developer's Channel Description:Sign up today and get access to over 50 proven hockey drills and demonstrations developed specifically for coaches and parents. Get the most out of your young hockey players today!
FEES: $2.99/month
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