Quick Look: Island HD Photobook is a screensaver that displays a slideshow of static images featuring tropical settings, white sand beaches, and turquoise water while your Roku is idle. You can control the duration of each image as it appears on your screen from 5 seconds to 30 seconds. For a fee you can also add a weather widget that will display a 5-day forecast for your region.
To activate this screensaver, after installing go to Settings >> Screensaver >> Browse screensavers, select the desired screensaver and press the OK button on your remote, then select "set as screensaver."
-- Information is current as of April 16, 2020
Roku Channel Store Description: Amazing Islands on your TV. Weather widget available.
DEVELOPER: Perfect Apps
FEES: Screensaver is free; add a weather widget for $0.99/month, $7.99/year, or one time purchase of $9.99