Island TV Network

Quick Look: Island TV Network is a collection of channels from various Caribbean Islands, including the following:

  • Bahamas
  • Dominican Republic
  • Haiti
  • Guadeloupe
  • Martinique
  • Trinidad
  • Jamaica

The available channels consist of a variety programming options, with channels like CNN, Disney, Cartoon Network as well as many "local" networks from each island.

Below there are several screenshots featuring the various logos from the channels that are available. The Island TV Network website has a complete listing of available channels that are separated out by its island of origin.

-- Information is current as of November 3, 2016

Developer's Channel Description: Island TV Network is a general IPTV system dedicated to all Islanders Live TV Stations, on demands and Radios.Our goal is to bring you closer to home and to discover artists through their music and culture. News, Sports, events, artistic, from the Caribbean islands like Haiti Jamaica, Trinidad, Bahamas,- Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyana Dominican Republic including other Places.

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DEVELOPER: Onelink TV Network OLTN

FEES: $9.99 per month subscription

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