Quick Look: The Life of Riley first premiered as a radio show in 1944 and transitioned to television in 1953, finally ending six seasons later in 1958. The show starred William Bendix, as Chester A. Riley, an a wing riveter at a nearby aircraft facility. The show focused more on his life at home and his interactions with friends and family than it did with work. Many of the episodes revolved around his over reactions to miniscule happenings or listening to poor advice he received from a friend only to have everything work out at the end of the show.
This Roku channel contains 60 episodes out of the 217 that originally aired. One episode of this show can be seen below.
-- Information is current as of June 14, 2019
Roku Channel Store Description: Riley worked in an aircraft plant in California, but viewers usually saw him at home, cheerfully disrupting life with his malapropisms and ill timed intervention into minor problems. His stock answer to every turn of fate became a catch phrase: 'What a revoltin' development this is!" Stars: William Bendix, Marjorie Reynolds, Wesley Morgan
DEVELOPER: TV Time Media - Total Stream Media
FEES: None