MaxFit provides short videos (around 1 minute in length) demonstrating various exercises and stretches. The following content is available:
- Train Plan - Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced, with 10-15 demonstrations each. Examples are Alternate Knee Touch, Lunge Pivots, and Squat Jump Touchdown
- Focus Site - Arms, Chest, Abs, Butt, and Leg, with 6-8 demonstrations each, including Russian Twists, Plank, and Side Plank Rotation.
- Daily - Morning Yoga, Bedtime Stretching, with 10-14 demonstrations each, including Wiper Push Ups, Toe Cross Overs, and Boxer Squats.
-- Information is current as of May 11, 2023
CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: "Ultimate anaerobic exercise class for men looking to shed fat and build lean muscle without the need for any equipment or specific workout location. Our expert trainers have designed a program that incorporates a variety of anaerobic exercises, making it easy to participate from anywhere anytime. The workout is designed to target multiple muscle groups and engage your entire body in a high-intensity workout that will burn calories, build strength and improve overall fitness levels. The class includes a variety of exercises such as burpees jumping jacks, squats, lunges, and planks."
FEES: None