Monica Toy

Quick Look: Monica Toy is an animated series geared to a variety of audiences from adolescent to adult. The series revolves around Monica, the "Crew" leader, and her sidekick, stuffed bunny Samson, as well as her friends Jimmy Five (the intellect), Monica (the pretty one), and Smudge(the boy afraid of water). According to the Monica Toy YouTube channel, "The stories have funny and surreal situations, focusing on an adolescent and adult audience. This series talks about universal themes and does not present characteristic dialogues, they are capsules that can we watched anytime, anywhere, by anyone."

There are 5 seasons worth of animated shorts (30 - 40 second clips) with each season containing at least 25 episodes. The videos do not have any dialogue but there are various sound effects as you will see in the video below.

-- Information is current as of February 14, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Monica Toy is a series of short videos with in 2D animation. Based on Monica and Friends traditional characters, now presented in a Toy Art version.

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DEVELOPER: Digital Fairway, Inc.

FEES: None

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