NRA Life of Duty

NRA Life of DutyQuick Look:: NRA Life of Duty videos are billed as being "made specifically for individuals who go to work every day protecting, defending, and fighting for the safety of the American people." However, many of the videos may also be enjoyed by those of us who are being protected and defended.

To a certain extent, this channel is a promo for the NRA Life of Duty website. The channel is composed of five video categories. The categories match those on the website, but the content isn't always the same.

Patriot Profiles - This category currently includes 18 videos that profile people, groups, and institutions such as the Spokane Forensics Unit, WWII paratrooper Walter Hughes, and the International School of Tactical Medicine. There is also a four-part series on ODA 574, a U.S. Special Forces team that infiltrated the mountains of southern Afghanistan to carry out a tribal revolt against the Taliban.

NRA American Warrior - NRA American Warrior is an online digital magazine, "packed with interactive media, countless videos, and page after page of the latest tips and technologies." On the Roku, however, are only a handful of videos (four, to be exact) offering a preview of the online mag.

LtCol North - Oliver North presents hosts a half-dozen videos in which he reports on events in Afghanistan.

Gear - Three videos, two of which are promotions for the website's sponsor.

There is also a Featured Videos category that contains a few videos not included in the other categories.

Overall, this channel appears to be mostly a way of enticing Roku users to visit the NRA Life of Duty Website by teasing us with a small amount of content from that website. That's okay with me, since they do include good content on the Roku channel, including some videos in their full length. Hopefully, the content will be added to and updated over time.

Developer's Channel Description: NRA Life of Duty serves and supports individuals who go to work protecting and defending the safety of the American people. This network was made for you - those of you we count on to fight for our freedoms every day.

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DEVELOPER: National Rifle Association

FEES: None

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