
Quick Look: PizzaTV is the video outlet for Pizza Magazine, which provides "consumers with education and inspiration to find your favorite pizza location." The channel contains a few introductory videos discussing the purpose of the channel and the magazine, as well as success stories from independent pizzerias and pizza recipes.

There are 17 restaurants highlighted, with videos discussing the popularity of the establishment, how it started, future plans, and a basic overview of the food served and the personnel on board.

The recipes category features 7 unique pies ranging from a Roman Style Pizza to a less traditional Southwestern bestern Pizza. The videos provide a measured list of ingredients, proper preparation and cooking instructions.

Below is an example video typical of what you will find on this channel.

-- Information is current as of June 26, 2018

Developer's Channel Description: Powered by PMQ Pizza Magazine, the Wall Street Journal of the international pizza industry, PizzaTV is your video-centric, professional, world-wide guide to pizza. We provide consumers with education and inspiration to find your favorite pizza location.

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