Polishing the Pulpit 365

Polishing the Pulpit 365 provides subscribers with sermons, Bible studies, and training, with content in the following content categories plus several more:

  • Series
  • Christian Living
  • The Home
  • The Church
  • Sermons
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Textual Studies
  • Marriage and Family
  • Kids
  • Preaching Parenting

You can browse the full library before subscribing. A video from the Polishing the Pulpit YouTube channel is available below.

-- Information is current as of May 31, 2023

CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: The Polishing the Pulpit archive goes back for years and contains thousands of high-quality sermons, Bible classes, and training sessions covering a multitude of topics that like Doctrine, Preaching, Church Leadership, History, Apologetics, Marriage, Parenting, Teen, Women, Textual Study of the Old and New Testaments, and more. PTP365 gives you unlimited access to our entire library 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for spiritual growth and enrichment. New content is added throughout the year from Polishing the Pulpit, PTP Sparks, The Great Smoky Mountain Marriage Retreat, and exclusive PTP365 studio content. Search by speaker, topic, Bible book, and more. Download sermons to listen on the go or stream video sermons for Bible classes or sermons.

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DEVELOPER: Polishing The Pulpit 365

FEES: Monthly Subscription rate of $9.99 or $99.99 annually, both provide a 7-day free trial offer

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