Private Snafu Collection

Quick Look: Private Snafu Collection consists of episodes of the black-and-white animation series that first appeared in 1943. The series was initially produced to instruct military personnel about proper procedures and the consequences of not following orders. Each 4-minute episode follows the antics of Private Snafu when he fails to follow protocol. Episode titles include:

  • Target Snafu - Malaria-laden mosquitoes descend down upon Pvt. Snafu because he did not correctly protect himself.
  • Fighting Tools - Pvt. Snafu suffers the consequences of not properly maintaining his equipment and weapons.
  • A Lecture on Camouflage - Pvt. is used as an example of unacceptable camouflage

There are 25 episodes currently available, one of which can be seen below.

-- Information is current as of March 7, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Lets go back to the black-and-white cinematography era. On this channel, we placed the wartime's cartoons which were streaming in the 1940s. Warner Bros. released another animated character – Private Snafu. Numerous adventures of this guy took place within the walls of the Army. Due to the hard times of World War II, most storyboards had to be approved by the War Department. Episodes had an educative tone, however, shorts were comic enough and accompanied with other characters from the Looney Tunes cartoons.

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