Rejoice 102 WYCA

Rejoice 102 WYCA is billed on Facebook as "You're (sic) place for music, ministry and soul winning." This Internet radio station's daily shows include "a wealth builder, real estate and industry finance mogul," "Music & Ministry," and "Rejoice in the Afternoon.

The Rejoice 102 WYCA Roku app carries only a live stream of the broadcast, despite the Roku channel store's promise of "access to all our videos, podcasts, contests and tons of cool stuff."

-- Information is current as of December 28, 2023

CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: Rejoice 102 WYCA-FM is home for traditional and contemporary music. Download our official app, it’s free! Never be without your favorites. Start listening now! Plus you will get access to all our videos, podcasts, contests and tons of cool stuff.

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DEVELOPER: Intertechmedia LLC

FEES: None

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