SkoVu TV

SkoVu TV advertises over 200 hours of original content that includes "some of the best independent original films, series, talk and reality shows." What we found on the SkoVu Roku channel was 3 series, 11 films, 7 live performances, and 1 children's video. We previewed several videos and most were home-production quality. An episode of one of the SkoVu series can be seen below.

-- Information is current as of October 18, 2022

CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: SkoVu TV gives you the chance to watch some of the best independent original films, series, talk and reality shows all in one place. Our content includes award winning films, series and shows presented by award winning producers, writers, and directors. We also have exclusive film and series including the highly acclaimed "Blackness Project" produced by Black Rose Films; "Daddy's Girl Club" dramatic TV series produced by Alemaedae Theater Productions; SkoVu Original Series "How I Came Up" that highlights various entrepreneurs journey to success; and over 180 hours of original content that you may have never seen. Become a member today!

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