Quick Look: Story Booth is a fun little channel with animated videos based on true life stories submitted by viewers. The stories all have a relevance to them, whether it is about "A First Kiss," "Dealing with Depression," or "Dealing with a Bully." Each video is under three minutes and has an accompanying soundtrack.
The videos are available in the following categories:
- Real life Heroes
- School Tales
- Face the Bully
- Relationship Tales
- Spooky tales
- Laugh it Out
Below is an example of the videos available on the Story Booth Roku channel.
-- Information is current as of May 5, 2017
Developer's Channel Description: Story BoothReal Stories, Animated. Storybooth is a digital platform that invites kids to record and submit their stories with a chance to have them animated and shared with the world. Embarrassment, heartbreak, challenges or triumphs; funny, sad, serious, or silly - all kinds of stories!
DEVELOPER: Future Today Inc
FEES: None
Story Booth Website
Story Booth on Facebook
Story Booth on Twitter
Story Booth on YouTube