Quick Look: Stream N' Shop is a unique channel that is dedicated to commercials and infomercials. Products are offered in the following categories: Beauty, Fitness/Weight Loss, Health, Household, Kitchen, Music, Pets, Self Improvement, and Sleep. Select the category, and subcategory if available, then browse through the titles of available products. Each video menu has a short product description in addition to a toll-free number for ordering.
Videos run anywhere from 60-second TV spots up to full half-hour infomercials. If you aren't sure what you're looking for, there's also a Live Shopping option that runs continuous advertisements. The Beauty and Fitness/Weight-Loss categories are the most-populated with ads. Most of the other categories currently have only one or two products, but look for more to become available if this channel catches on.
Developer's Channel Description: Stream N' Shop brings exciting and innovative products directly to your Roku. Search for products by category, or just watch it live! Whether you're looking to save time on house-hold tasks, shed a few pounds, or improve your self-image, then Stream N' Shop has what you are looking for
--RokuGuide Reviewed on September 29, 2011
DEVELOPER: Telvue Corporation
FEES: None