Quick Look: TestTube is a video network launched by Discovery Communications & Revision3 in 2013 "to satiate the incurably curious." There are 31 shows in the TestTube library, and all are available on this Roku channel:
- Blow It Up!
- BrainStuff
- Brew Age
- Brutally Honest Abe
- Car Stuff
- Discovery Dinosaurs
- The Discovery Lists
- The Discovery Slow Down
- Discovery Space
- Discovery Weather
- Distort
- DNews
- Fail Lab
- FW: Thinking
- Hard Science
- I F***ing Love Science
- melodysheep
- Nature Hates You
- Pick Your Poison
- Scam School
- Sex+ with Laci Green
- Shots of Awe
- Showcaine
- Stuff Mom Never Told You
- Stuff of Genius
- Stuff They Don't Want You To Know
- Stuff to Blow Your Mind
- Stuff You Should Know
- TestTube One Offs
- Thanks, Disaster
The shows focus on science and technology topics and individual episodes are generally only a few minutes in length.
-- Information is current as of February 28, 2014
Developer's Channel Description: Entertaining, Informative and Awe-Inspiring shows focused on popular science.
DEVELOPER: Revision3
FEES: None
TestTube Website