The Adventures of Champion

Quick Look: The Adventures of Champion is a 1955 television series set in the American Southwest in the 1880s. The story line follows a young boy named Ricky North who lives on his Uncle Sandy's ranch and is constantly finding trouble around every corner. He is often aided and saved by his new companion Champion and his faithful dog Rebel. This channel contains 23 of the original 26 episodes, one of which can be seen below.

-- Information is current as of May 21, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: The exploits of Champion, a wild stallion who befriends twelve year-old Ricky North in the American Southwest in the 1880's. Although Ricky, who lived on his Uncle Sandy's ranch, had a magnetic attraction for trouble, he was always rescued by the Wonder Horse, aided by the boy's other bosom companion, German shepherd dog, Rebel.

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DEVELOPER: TV Time Media - Total Stream Media

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