Quick Look: The Dibidogs is a YouTube-based children's channel with animated stories that revolve around a futuristic canine paradise called Bonecity that is inhabited solely by dogs. The stories feature a group of friends - Rocky, Emmy, Missy and Princess Lizzy - as they have adventures and interact with other residents as well as visitors from other planets like "The Shadows," "Cactus Cats," and the "Moon Wolves."
The channel contains 3 seasons of content to entertain you children. Each episode runs from 5-10 minutes in length. Below is one of the many episodes currently available.
-- Information is current as of October 15, 2020
Developer's Channel Description: Here your children will get acquainted with the Dibidogs’ characters who live on the very colorful planet named Bonecity where everything is developed by and for dogs. Such an astonishing futuristic canine elysium! Don’t hesitate and join them in traveling by their spaceships since it’s a tremendous chance to visit neighboring planets!
The Dibidogs show was created to help children’s imagination go boom and encourage their interest in a wide range of topics, including even environmental problems.
DEVELOPER: VlogBox, Inc.
FEES: None