Quick Look: The Funniest Cartoons Set is a collection of 30 animated episodes starring Bugs Bunny. This is one of many channels that were recently released featuring the second most famous rabbit, the other being the Easter Bunny. The developers claim to have 167 episodes available on this channel but as it turns out it is spread out over several channels, which are listed below:
- Funny Stories for Kids: 30 additional Bugs and Daffy Duck Cartoons 30-60
- Ace Cartoons Channel: 30 More Bugs and company videos, episodes 60-90
- Top Retro Cartoons: Episodes 90-120 featuring Bugs and the gang
- Merry Stories for Folks: Episodes 121-167, The last of Bugs Bunny (for now)
The channels listed above contain a variety of Bugs Bunny and friends videos including Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, The Tasmanian Devil, as well as others.
-- Information is current as of March 1, 2019
Roku Channel Store Description: Who is the most famous rabbit in the world? It’s Bugs Bunny, he is the best! This character was created in the late 1930s, and throughout the Golden Epoch of American animation, became a national symbol. Nowadays, he remains well-liked across the world. That guy is the most self-confident, the cleverest, and the sliest pal in the whole Warner Bros. Cartoon family.
DEVELOPER: None Listed
FEES: None