Quick Look: The Midnight Movie Palace includes episodes of two late night horror shows: Seasons 1 and 2 (16 half-hour episodes) of Partially Devoured Movies and eleven 8-minute episodes of Kount Kracula's Review Showcase, each of which are hosted by Johnny Ghoulash and crew. Each of these shows features a "classic" horror movie which is preceded by a "humorous skit" followed up with a sarcastic running commentary from the host and crew. Some of the movies include House on Haunted Hill, Santa Clause Vs. The Devil, Monster from the Deep and Assignment Terror.
The channel also includes a handful of short films and full-length movies.
-- Information is current as of November 6, 2016
Developer's Channel Description: The Midnight Movie Palace screens horror movies and genre films. The features of the night! What beautiful music they do make!
DEVELOPER: The Midnight Movie Palace
FEES: None
The Midnight Movie Palace Website