History is Us

Quick Look: History is Us has a channel logo that may lead you to confuse this Roku with the popular television series This Is Us. However, the Roku channel focuses on the historical events, with nearly three dozen movies, primarily historical documentaries, with an emphasis on space exploration, war, and 9/11. Each video has a brief synopsis and a few offer a trailer as well. Titles that include "9-11 Stories from the City," "Apollo 17 - The Final Footprint on the Moon;" and "Cold War Peacemaker: Story of the Convair B-36."

This channel annoyingly autoplays video in the corner of the screen, complete with sound, while you're on the home screen menu, so you may want to mute your TV before launchign the channel.

-- Information is current as of April 3, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Films and documentaries focusing on the historical events that shaped the world we live in today. Watch This is Us completely Free today!

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DEVELOPER: Stream Go Media, LLC

FEES: None

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