Quick Look: Trekkit TV is a syndicated show that can be found on TV1, WilldTV and CBC. The show "follows a lovable gang of office jockeys on unforgettable trekks across the world to explore the great outdoors and experience the wonders of the world." The channel currently contains 17 episodes featuring the following countries:
- Norway - 6 part series
- Iceland - 7 part series
- Newfoundland - 4 videos from this country
Each show visits unique destinations giving a bit of history or nostalgia about the locale as they travel from one destination to the next. The Trekkit TV YouTube channel contains additional content, mostly trailers such as the one shown below.
-- Information is current as of April 30, 2020
Roku Channel Store Description: Trekkit's mission is to get computer geeks into the great outdoors. We visit a wide array of places from Iceland, Norway, Scotland, Canada and Mount Katahdin.
DEVELOPER: Trekk.it Corporation
FEES: None